Constance Gehring, DOM
Constance Gehring is a licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine and licensed acupuncturist now practicing in Newton, Kansas. She is nationally certified by NCCAOM in Acupuncture and Herbalogy. She is certified as a Wholistic Kinesiologist and practices NAET Allergy Elimination. Dr. Gehring has an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, a Masters of Counseling, and a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine. She is a graduate of the International Institute of Chinese Medicine of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her practice employs Chinese and Japanese Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine technique, Wholistic Kinesiology, NAET ( Nabrudipod's Allergy Elimination Technique), Nutritional Supplementation and Chinese herbal formulas for patients seeking relief from many problems and conditions. Client satisfaction includes pain, stress, anxiety, allergy clearing, headaches/migraines, digestive issues, muscular skeletal conditions and pain syndromes, detoxification, women's health and fertility, and treatment for addictions. Her work as a DOM includes the specialty of using the NADA protocol (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) to help those suffering from addictions to alcohol or drugs. Dr. Gehring’s Stop Smoking Protocol includes the use of NADA, electric stimulation, visualization, and other techniques. In the past through the Evolution Group (Albuquerque, New Mexico) Dr Gehring helped many individuals experiencing cravings, withdrawals, anxiety, and other problems associated with addictions. Constance Gehring is the past Treasurer for the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association of New Mexico (AOMANM), a state association for acupuncturists. She formerly volunteered bi-monthly at Los Arboles, a home in Albuquerque, NM for men recovering from substance and drug abuse. She served as a board member for the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (BAOM) from 2014 - 2015. My Philosophy Although I have a lifetime of attraction to natural medicine, I have only been practicing Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine since 2004. My journey started at age 11 when my grandmother, Helen Toevs Regier, put a slice of onion on my arm after I was stung by a hornet. I believe the body has a natural intelligence and desire to heal. As healers, our job is to provide the right treatment to the best of our ability that enables the body to do its job. For many, it is important to be heard in order to facilitate physical and emotional healing. During my 20's I took a class on using herbs to repel moths and make teas. An herb store opened at 39th and Main in Kansas City. I read a lot. Jethro Kloss was my first teacher. In my 30's and 40's in Taos, NM, I had the good fortune to study with Herbalist Lucy McCall. She took us in the mountains on herb walks and taught us to make tinctures, salves, flower essences. I had a business called Black Bear wherein I made and sold tinctures, bath salts, essential oils, soaps, moth repellant. It was during this time that I was finally able to stop smoking. Acupuncture helped. I also had made a few tinctures and found recipes for very similar tinctures in Michael Tierra's “The Way of Chinese Herbs”. I wanted to make the leap from making product to working with people. The International School of Chinese Medicine in Santa Fe had a very good reputation for its teaching of Chinese medicine and Chinese herbs. I enrolled in the Fall of 2000. It was a Masters program of three full years of instruction, 2800 hours. 900 of those hours were in clinic, 500 in Chinese herbs, and the remainder in Chinese philosophy, diagnosis, and treatment. Most of our teachers came straight from China. They were trained both as allopathic physicians and as acupuncturists. I will always be grateful to Dr. Li Li, Dr. Liu, Lady Wong, and Dr. Zhao. To practice acupuncture in the United States, one must graduate from an accredited school, pass the national acupuncture exam, pass the national herbal exam, then meet the qualifications of the state of residence. Following licensure, CEU's are required annually to keep one's license. Our profession is the only one with the extensive knowledge of theory and empirical knowledge that is qualified to safely and effectively treat with acupuncture needles and other Chinese medicine modalities. This is a medicine that offers an opportunity of a lifetime of learning. I am honored by those who place their trust in me. This is a very enjoyable and satisfying profession. My hobbies are gardening and painting. My Credentials Certifications and Licenses Doctor of Oriental Medicine - License #822, State of New Mexico, Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Diplomate in Oriental Medicine - Cert #022200 - National Certification Commission of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) Licensed Acupuncturist - State of North Carolina, License #730 Wholistic Kinesiology Certification - Wholistic Kinesiology Institute Albuquerque, New Mexico NAET Allergy Elimination Practitioner, Certified by NAR Foundation, Buena Park, CA, naet.com CPR Certified - American Heart Association Clean Needle Certification - Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) |
359 N. Old US Highway 81
Hesston, KS 67062
316-587-5335 | [email protected]
All rights are reserved by Acupuncture Newton, Inc. 2015